Tom Petty caricature sketch WIP (Work in Progress), not sure if I will finish as i always tend to like more my sketches than finished polished drawings. After 8 years Tom Petty is returning with the Heartbreakers and a new album "Mojo" for some more fun. When i was young i remember having so great times "Learning to Fly". Great Tuesday to everyone.
Tom Petty - Learning to Fly
8 comentários:
hola my portugese stick!
tom petty? great one, i saw him live in miami in 1989 - wow thats a long time a go!
- and do the fine rendering man!
Lucky bastard! I was in Miami but never saw him :) I will see if the stick can handle the fine rendering.
Queres não fazer uma caricatura para mim?
Sandra, pedidos e encomendas de caricatura são para karikamania@gmail.com
Hi , i'm joining to Caricature's world..
Can u please check out my blog , and tell me , if..
i'll be good someday :P
i started like 1 year ago..
i draw everyday :)
thank you in advance
Alejandro i´m a caricaturist, i cant predict the future!
Fantástico cara, parabéns !!!
Ótimas caricaturas, tens a mão talentosa.
Valeu "Cara"!!!
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