One of my favorite movies of all time is Trainspotting, everything is perfect in that movie even the soundtrack is brilliant still remember Underworld - Born Slippy? So it was in great expectation that i went to the cinema watching Slumdog Millionaire movie from Danny Boyle. And you know what? I think i will watch a few more times, heck this is another movie masterpiece and if it doesn't win any Oscar (and i watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (which i think its boring)) then the Academy will feel ashamed for it. In case you haven't seen this movie yet then move your ass and do it now! Here´s the trailer that i took from youtube oh and the soundtrack is absolutely fantastic!! It just makes you feel the energy of Mumbai (Bombay). Want a better idea for the week-end than this?

Dev Patel (Jamal Malik) from Slumdog Millionaire caricature.
UPDATE: Slumdog Millionaire won best movie and in total got 8 Oscars from the Academie!
24 comentários:
Grande Nelson,
Sempre apresentando excelentes trabalhos.
jajajja genial!!!
Aún no he visto la película, pero espero que pueda esta semana. Estamos cargados de buen cine ahora.
La caricatura es estupenda y muy divertida. Un saludo!
Hi Nelson,
This movie is based on India, I am sorry that i haven't seen yet, but i will watch it as soon as possible, not beacouse that i am an Indian, but it is a nice movie... and your caricature of Dev is also very nice.
bela caricatura, muito bem conseguida
um abraço
vasco santos
Hahahaah..!! Very nice..
Thkx everyone for the kind comments, i really appreciated this movie, hope it wins some Oscars.
hahaha the expression is amazing Nelson!! You are already added at my favorites section man!
Thkx Nico just added your link as well in the section "Illustrators" let me know if you want it changed to "Caricaturists" later dude.
muy lindo, gracias por visitar mi blog!!
Muy buena caricatura Nelson!
Gracias Parpa no tienes que agradecer fue un placer. Hasta pronto.
Pedro, gracias y el tu Lincoln estaba muy bueno tambien. Saludos y va que va buena folia Carnavalesca.
Fala Nelson
suas digitais estão cada vez melhores. Evolução sempre. Paz e tinta!
Obrigado Mano espero que tenhas tido um bom Carnaval ai no Brasil.
Cada vez melhores!
Saudações leoninas (anda joga contra o Benfas!)
Fantastic Nelson, one of your best!
Thkx bud, cheers!
That's a top piece Nelson - good work.
Tis movie is even a MUST SEE for me !!
Love this Nelson. A great caricature, and a great movie !
Hi Nelson,
I just posted caricature of Danny boyle, hope u like it.
Very good Nelson, you've the caricaturist Oscar (:
Very well done. Great movie too!
Nice one, Nelson!
HA! sweet painting, scumbag!!!!
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