One of my favorite movies of all time is Trainspotting, everything is perfect in that movie even the soundtrack is brilliant still remember Underworld - Born Slippy? So it was in great expectation that i went to the cinema watching Slumdog Millionaire movie from Danny Boyle. And you know what? I think i will watch a few more times, heck this is another movie masterpiece and if it doesn't win any Oscar (and i watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (which i think its boring)) then the Academy will feel ashamed for it. In case you haven't seen this movie yet then move your ass and do it now! Here´s the trailer that i took from youtube oh and the soundtrack is absolutely fantastic!! It just makes you feel the energy of Mumbai (Bombay). Want a better idea for the week-end than this?

Dev Patel (Jamal Malik) from Slumdog Millionaire caricature.
UPDATE: Slumdog Millionaire won best movie and in total got 8 Oscars from the Academie!