Well its that time of year again Christmas parties here and there where everyone gathers their loved ones. Always feel nostalgic remembering the times when i was a kid watching Charlie Brown and Snoopy on television. The message was absolutely great with so few words nothing beats an open mind and a good sense of humor.
Myself have been loaded with Christmas Parties drawing kids and grown ups trying to get that expression that can makes the difference and becomes recognizable with a good likeness. Its my job i´m a caricature artist i have to make good memories and make them last in time, sometimes i can predict the future "He looks older" or revive the past "He looks younger". Whatever happens i can never tell its all in the pencil and the hand that guides it. All i know is that i want to give smiles and happiness to the world i can contribute to that in my own expense and i tell you these days this is a tough job, but you know, someone has to do it!
Well its that time of year again Christmas parties here and there where everyone gathers their loved ones. Always feel nostalgic remembering the times when i was a kid watching Charlie Brown and Snoopy on television. The message was absolutely great with so few words nothing beats an open mind and a good sense of humor.
Myself have been loaded with Christmas Parties drawing kids and grown ups trying to get that expression that can makes the difference and becomes recognizable with a good likeness. Its my job i´m a caricature artist i have to make good memories and make them last in time, sometimes i can predict the future "He looks older" or revive the past "He looks younger". Whatever happens i can never tell its all in the pencil and the hand that guides it. All i know is that i want to give smiles and happiness to the world i can contribute to that in my own expense and i tell you these days this is a tough job, but you know, someone has to do it!
13 comentários:
Hola amigo Nelson!
Pusiste un post muy emotivo.
Espero que tu también pases unas Felices Navidades!! Un abrazo!
ola nelson, feliz natal!! amigo
Graçias Kikelin te desejo lo miesmo.
Obrigado Charles Feliz Natal para ti também amigo.
Caro Nelson,
Bom Natal e um óptimo Ano Novo para ti. Com muita bonecada e com grandes exibições do Sporting!
As caricaturas dos putos estão excelentes e a professora a rematar está o máximo!
Pedro RF
Pedro subscrevo tudo menos as exibições do Sporting enquanto lá estiver o penteadinho sempre dá para fazendo umas caricaturas ;)
Olá querido amigo...
Meu nome é Marcos Sá,
acabei de criar o blog, este tratará de notícias e conhecimentos, mas serão tratados de uma forma diferente. Serão irreverentes e perspicazes... estou te adicionando..
conto com a sua visita...
Nelson que tengas un gran 2009, que alcances todas tus metas, un fuerte abrazo. Sergio
hello Nelson Merry Christmas and new congratulations for your exhibition
Marcos, obrigado pela visita logo que puder darei um salto no seu blog.
Alvarez, muchas gracias y tudo de bueno para ti amigo.
Deloire, thank you my friend wish you a great 2009 with lots of success.
Great thinking Nelson. Hope u enjoying holyday. I just post caricature of George Bush. Waiting for your valuable suggestions and wish u and your family Happy New Year.
Hi Manoj thkx for dropping by just commented your Bush. Happy New Year for you too my friend.
ola meu caro, meu nome é Jonas, sou de São Paulo, Brasil, adorei os traçoes de seu desenho, muitoeves e expressivos, parabéns mesmo, quando puder entre la no meu blog, abraço amigo!!!!
Olá Jonas pode crer amigo logo que puder darei uma espiada. Obrigado pela visita.
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