sexta-feira, março 02, 2007

Futebolista nº 19: Rui Costa

Já está nas bancas a revista futebolista nº19 com a caricatura que fiz do maestro Rui Costa confiram e assinem a revista claro.

visite também o meu

5 comentários:

Marion disse...

I see that you like football a lot !
Our holiday was great: not much snow but lots of sun (and fun).
Now back In holland it's business as usual: rain, rain, rain....

Jorisleno Ximenes disse...

Muito bom, nelson!


bog_art disse...

Wow!!.. It is very good!!.. I like the colors of the nose, but I think that the ball looks like a rock.. no big deal..

Nelson Santos disse...

Who said it was a ball? :P

bog_art disse...

jaja.. good point..